“The coping at the parapet-to-wall interface condition is one of he most difficult transitions to detail for design professionals and
contractors,” the Build Meets World blog reports. “Due to complex geometries, direct exposure to the elements, and sequencing of
construction trades, there are numerous areas for potential failure at this condition that can lead to air and moisture leakage issues within buildings.”
Some of these problems can be addressed during the design and pre-construction phases of a project, the article continues. It suggests nine ways architects can help everyone avoid trouble:
1. Where feasible, simplify the design of parapet-to-wall conditions by minimizing the number of wall cladding materials and fenestration systems that occur at the parapet termination against the adjacent high rising wall condition.
2. Develop multi-step, three-dimensional diagrams to convey the design intent in a clear and concise manner to the contractors.
Three or more details are strongly recommended to convey the integration of building materials.
3. Involve the manufacturers in the design development of the saddle flashing.
4. Language within applicable technical specifications should require the following for the saddle flashing: project specific shop drawing details that show the integration of the saddle flashing and the adjacent materials, product materials and characteristics, installation requirements, mock-ups, and performance testing.
5. Consider engaging a building enclosure consultant to provide design assistance or peer review services associated with detailing and specifying the saddle flashing condition as well as other complex details and conditions.
6. Require project-specific saddle flashing mock-ups for review, critique, and further development by the design and construction team.
7. Review each unique saddle flashing condition with the construction trades to confirm constructability of the detail and proper sequencing.
8. Incorporate performance testing of the mock-up and installed saddle flashings at representative areas to evaluate the watertight integrity of the condition.
9. Require pre-construction meetings to review requirements of the saddle flashing conditions and integration with other materials.
The blog post was sponsored by Tremco.